Information for Strong-Motion Station
San Miguel - San Antonio Dam
CGS - CSMIP Station 36258
Earthquakes recorded by this station
(Station Photograph - click to enlarge)(Sensor Layout - click to see PDF File)
Latitude 35.7986 N
Longitude 120.8851 W
Elevation (m) 215
Site Geology Siltstone and shale
Vs30 (m/sec) 509 (inferred)
Site Class C
Remarks/Notes Site information sources
Dam Height202' (61.6m)
Plan ShapeStraight
Crest Length1425' (434.3m)
Crest Width30' (9.1m)
Construction Date1965
Instrumentation1976, 9 accelerometers, on crest and toe
Superstructure Type--
Dam TypeEarth
Foundation Type--