Information for Strong-Motion Station
Benicia - Martinez/I680 West Bridge
CGS - CSMIP Station 68682
Earthquakes recorded by this station
Ambient Records for CE68682
(Station Photograph - click to enlarge)(Sensor Layout - click to see PDF File)
Latitude 38.0414 N
Longitude 122.1238 W
Elevation (m) --
Site Geology  
Vs30 (m/sec)  
Site Class  
No. of Spans10 bridge spans, 8 approach spans.
Plan ShapeStraight with one curved approach.
Total Length6215' (1894.3m). Bridge spans range from 330' (100.6m) to 528' (160.9m). Length of approach spans ranges from 90' (27.4m) to 197' (60.0m).
Width of Deck77.5' (23.6m)
Construction Date1962
Instrumentation2001. 71 accelerometers and 1 displacement sensor on the bridge. 3 accelerometers at a free-field site.
Superstructure TypeMain span: steel truss. Approach spans: steel plate girders. Cantilever abutments at the approach spans.
Substructure TypeRC hollow shaft piers supported by box footings. One column per pier.
Foundation TypeBox footings on steel caissons.
RemarksThis toll bridge was instrumented with 9 sensors in 1994 under the interagency agreement between Caltrans and DOC. The bridge was extensively instrumented with 81 sensors during the retrofit work in 2001.