Peak Ground Motion Data (Distance Order) for
         Cerro Prieto Earthquake of 19 Feb 2008, 14:41:29 PST, 5.0ML
                 32.43N 115.31W,  6.0 km depth  Event Id: 14351140CI
                   CESMD Engineering Strong Motion Data Center
                   Table Last Updated: 2008-02-26 15:30:00
Network  Statn                                                         Distance   PGAv1 PGAv2   PGV   PGD   ---- Sa (g) ----- Struct
Id Name  Nmbr  Station Name                            N.Lat  W.Long  Epic Fault   (g)   (g)  (cm/s)  (cm)  .3sec  1sec  3sec Apk(g)
CI SCSN  DRE   Meloland, E Holton Rd. and Meloland Rd. 32.805 115.447  43.3( -- )  .041  .041   1.65    .2   .066  .013  .001   - -
CI SCSN  BTC   Orita, Hwy 78 and Coachell Canal Rd.    33.012 115.220  64.9( -- )  .014  .014    .58    .1   .033  .004  .000   - -
CI SCSN  GLA   Glamis, Black Mountain Rd               33.051 114.827  82.4( -- )  .009  .009    .46    .0   .023  .004  .000   - -
CI SCSN  ERR   Kane Springs, San Felipe Wash           33.117 115.823  89.7( -- )  .011  .011    .73    .1   .027  .006  .001   - -