Peak Ground Motion Data (Distance Order) for
         Newport Beach Earthquake of 06 Jun 2024, 16:52:24 PDT, 3.6ML
                33.6312N 117.9098W, 12.1 km depth  Event Id: 40616303CI
                   CESMD Engineering Strong Motion Data Center
                   Table Last Updated: 2024-06-07 17:11:56
Network  Statn                                                         Distance   PGAv1 PGAv2   PGV   PGD   ---- Sa (g) ----- Struct
Id Name  Nmbr  Station Name                            N.Lat  W.Long  Epic Fault   (g)   (g)  (cm/s)  (cm)  .3sec  1sec  3sec Apk(g)
CE CGS   13291 Newport Beach - 7-story Hospital        33.624 117.929   1.9( -- )  .056  .056   1.27    .1   .028  .003  .000   .059
CE CGS   13314 Newport Beach - Coast Hwy & Hoag Dr     33.622 117.933   2.5( -- )  .071  .072   1.84    .1   .047  .003  .001   - -
CE CGS   13877 Newport Beach - Balboa Island           33.605 117.890   3.4( -- )  .028  .029    .76    .0   .025  .002  .000   - -
CE CGS   13214 Costa Mesa - 5-story City Hall          33.663 117.903   3.6( -- )  .021  .021    .49    .0   .019  .001  .000   .036
CE CGS   13215 Costa Mesa - City Hall Grounds          33.663 117.902   3.6( -- )  .041  .041    .75    .0   .026  .002  .000   - -
CI SCSN  KML   Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory             33.597 117.879   4.5( -- )  .003  .003    .09    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CE CGS   13329 Irvine - 8-story UCI Engineering Bldg   33.645 117.841   6.6( -- )  .010  .009    .23    .0   .008  .001  .000   .022
CI SCSN  LLS   Fountain Valley, I-5 at Santa Ana River 33.684 117.943   6.9( -- )  .033  .032    .76    .1   .030  .003  .000   - -
CE CGS   13887 Huntington Beach - Adams & Bushard      33.676 117.963   7.3( -- )  .030  .030   1.13    .1   .046  .003  .001   - -
CE CGS   13892 Santa Ana - MacArthur & Bristol         33.700 117.880   8.3( -- )  .028  .028   1.06    .1   .062  .003  .000   - -
CI SCSN  SAN   Santa Ana, Bristol St & Macaurthur Blvd 33.704 117.886   8.6( -- )  .048  .045   1.43    .1   .073  .004  .001   - -
CE CGS   13891 Santa Ana - Warner & Greenville         33.716 117.904   9.4( -- )  .031  .031   1.27    .1   .059  .003  .001   - -
CE CGS   13890 Santa Ana - 1st & Franklin              33.742 117.894  12.4( -- )  .016  .016    .56    .0   .032  .002  .000   - -
CI SCSN  STG   Santiago                                33.664 117.769  13.5( -- )  .005  .005    .18    .0   .003  .000  .000   - -
CE CGS   14006 Huntington Beach - Edinger & Gothard    33.727 118.001  13.6( -- )  .041  .042    .84    .0   .026  .002  .000   - -
CE CGS   13885 Garden Grove - Brookhurst & Westminster 33.757 117.956  14.6( -- )  .026  .026    .64    .0   .016  .001  .000   - -
CI SCSN  MMC   Pacific Marine Mammal Center            33.573 117.763  14.8( -- )  .006  .006    .10    .0   .006  .000  .000   - -
CE CGS   13884 Garden Grove - Hwy 22 & Harbor Blvd     33.767 117.918  15.1( -- )  .015  .015    .38    .0   .012  .001  .000   - -
CE CGS   13613 Santa Ana - Tustin & E 17th             33.755 117.834  15.6( -- )  .009  .009    .25    .0   .013  .001  .000   - -
CE CGS   13886 Garden Grove - Chapman & Gilbert        33.791 117.968  18.5( -- )  .009  .009    .23    .0   .006  .001  .000   - -
CI SCSN  NWH   Irvine Usd, Northwood High              33.733 117.751  18.6( -- )  .002  .001    .05    .0   .003  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  OGC   Orange (Chapman)                        33.788 117.844  18.6( -- )  .004  .004    .12    .0   .005  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  BRE   Barre Substation                        33.808 117.981  21.0( -- )  .003  .003    .18    .0   .009  .001  .000   - -
CI SCSN  SRN   Serrano                                 33.829 117.789  24.8( -- )  .002  .001    .05    .0   .003  .000  .000   - -
CE CGS   14005 Long Beach - 2nd & Claremont            33.759 118.131  24.9( -- )  .009  .009    .18    .0   .008  .000  .000   - -
CE CGS   14311 Long Beach - 5-story CSULB Engnrng Bldg 33.783 118.110  25.1( -- )  .013  .013    .29    .0   .008  .000  .000   .028
CI SCSN  LBW1  Los Alimitos, I - 405 near Katella      33.798 118.088  25.1( -- )  .007  .007    .18    .0   .009  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  FUL   Fullerton, Amerige Ave. and Pomona Ave. 33.872 117.923  27.0( -- )  .004  .004    .16    .0   .010  .001  .000   - -
CI SCSN  DLA   Cerritos, State Rd and Del Amo Blvd.    33.848 118.096  29.9( -- )  .003  .002    .09    .0   .004  .001  .000   - -
CI SCSN  STS   State Street                            33.790 118.199  32.4( -- )  .002  .002    .07    .0   .004  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  LTP   Paramount, I-710 and Hwy 91             33.881 118.176  37.4( -- )  .001  .001    .04    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  WLT   Hacieinda Heights                       34.009 117.951  42.3( -- )  .002  .002    .04    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  RHC2  Rose Hills Cemetery 2                   34.001 118.013  42.4( -- )  .001  .001    .04    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  PDW   Prado Wetlands                          33.924 117.617  42.4( -- )  .001  .001    .02    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  ELS2  Elsinore 2                              33.649 117.426  44.8( -- )  .003  .003    .04    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  LAF   La Fresa                                33.869 118.331  47.4( -- )  .001  .001    .02    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  RPV   Rancho Palos Verdes                     33.743 118.404  47.7( -- )  .001  .001    .04    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  RUS   S San Gabriel, Whittier Narrows Golf C. 34.051 118.081  49.5( -- )  .001  .001    .03    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  LMH   Lake Mathews Hills                      33.744 117.391  49.6( -- )  .002  .001    .02    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  AVC   Avalon Canyon                           33.333 118.335  51.5( -- )  .001  .001    .03    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  CIA   Catalina Isl Airport                    33.402 118.415  53.4( -- )  .001  .001    .02    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  ESI2  Elsinore                                33.675 117.326  54.2( -- )  .001  .001    .02    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  CCT   Cal Citrus State Park                   33.896 117.415  54.4( -- )  .002  .001    .02    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  SSS   Stringfellow Superfund Site Jurupa Mount34.031 117.455  61.2( -- )  .001  .001    .01    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  RHR   Rawhide Ranch                           33.290 117.176  77.7( -- )  .003  .003    .03    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  WSS   Hidden Hills, Valley Circle Dr.         34.172 118.650  91.3( -- )  .002  .002    .07    .0   .004  .000  .000   - -