Information for Strong-Motion Station
San Francisco - 6-story Hospital #2
CGS - CSMIP Station 58649
Earthquakes recorded by this station
(Station Photograph - click to enlarge)(Sensor Layout - click to see PDF File)
Latitude 37.7477 N
Longitude 122.4217 W
Elevation (m) 22
Site Geology Thin alluvium over rock (Francsiscan)
Vs30 (m/sec) - -
Site Class C
Remarks/Notes Site information sources
No. of Stories above/below ground 6/1
Plan ShapeRectangular
Base Dimensions223 x 220 ft
Typical Floor Dimensions119 x 220 ft
Design Date2015
Instrumentation2018, 16 accelerometers on 5 levels.
Vertical Load Carrying SystemConcrete over steel deck supported by steel beams and columns.
Lateral Force Resisting SystemBuckling restrained braced steel frames at perimeter and interior locations between Level 2 and the Roof, and special reinforced concrete shear walls at perimeter and interior locations between Levels 1 and 2.
Foundation TypeConcrete pier caps with 36" diameter drilled piers at shear wall and perimeter column locations, and concrete spread footings at interior gravity columns.
RemarksThe building was designed in accordance with the 2010 California Building Code. Code instrumentation was required. Funding for more extensive instrumentation was provided by the owner. CSMIP provided assistance in instrumentation.