Circle |
Return events within a given distance (in kilometers) of a location |
Coordinates |
Return events within a range of latitudes or longitudes |
Country/State |
Return events in a given country or U.S. state |
Date/Time |
Search by date and time (in UTC) in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format |
Earthquake Name |
May contain the nearby city to the epicenter. A search for a nearby city returns events whose earthquake name contains the name of the nearby city. |
Event IDs |
Search event(s) by ID(s), e.g. CI37904927,CI38043999. Most other options are unavailable when an event ID is specified. |
Fault Type |
Return events with specific fault type. Multiple fault types may be selected for the search. Leaving them unselected will search for all possible types. |
Magnitude |
Returns events within a range of magnitudes. Default returns all magnitude ranges. |
Order By |
Specifies the sort order of the output. Default is time descending. |
Output Format |
Specify output format. Default is GeoJSON. |