Circle |
Return stations within a given distance (in kilometers) of a location |
Circle |
Return events within a given distance (in kilometers) of a location |
Coordinates |
Return stations within a range of latitudes or longitudes |
Coordinates |
Return events within a range of latitudes or longitudes |
Country/State |
Return events in a given country or U.S. state |
Date/Time |
Search by date and time (in UTC) in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format |
Earthquake Name |
May contain the nearby city to the epicenter. A search for a nearby city returns events whose earthquake name contains the name of the nearby city. |
Epicentral Dist. (km) |
Specify an epicentral distance range (min to max inclusive) to narrow down search criteria |
Event IDs |
Search event(s) by ID(s), e.g. CI37904927,CI38043999. Most other options are unavailable when an event ID is specified. |
Fault Type |
Return events with specific fault type. Multiple fault types may be selected for the search. Leaving them unselected will search for all possible types. |
Group By |
Specify the grouping of the metadata. Default is grouping by stations. Grouping by stations will group records under the same station into a single data structure. |
Include Inactive Stations |
Check to include inactive stations in search criteria, uncheck otherwise. |
Login Email |
Available if dataset is selected as the return type. Registered e-mail must be provided in order to download data files. |
Metadata Format |
Specify output format. Default is JSON. Available if metadata is selected as the return type. |
Magnitude |
Self-explanatory. Returns events within a range of magnitudes. Default returns all magnitude ranges |
Network |
Two letter Network ID of station (multiple network IDs can be listed, e.g. CE,AA) |
Order Records By |
Specifies the sort order of the record output. Default is by epicentral distance (descending). |
PGA (g) |
Specify a PGA range (min to max inclusive) to narrow down search criteria |
Processed, Raw, Plot |
Available if dataset is selected as the return type. Checking processed and raw will package both processed and raw data in the returned (.ZIP) file. |
Return Type |
Return type of the output. Dataset will return a (.ZIP) file packaged with the requested data. Metadata will return either (.JSON) or (.XML), depending on user selection. |
Station Code(s) |
Search station(s) by code(s), e.g. CE24319,AAAK16. Most other options are unavailable when a station code is specified. |
Station Name |
Name of station, accepts wildcards |
Station Type |
Default is Any, alternative options are Array, Ground, Building, Bridge, Dam, Tunnel, Wharf, Other |